When I found out that I would be writing a blog for my Social Media summer school unit, my initial reaction was…. oh my god…. oh my god…. ohhhhh myyyyy godddddd! What am I going to write about? Knowing that other students would be reading my blog, I didn’t want to come up with a trivial topic. I wanted to write something clever, meaningful, inspiring and insightful and I wanted it to be about something that I was truly passionate about.
I first considered the incredibly popular ‘Mummy Blog’, but quickly (and rather sadly) came to the realisation that – although I absolutely love my kids - I study part-time, work full-time, travel overseas regularly as part of my job and have two boys who's lives revolve around everything that doesn’t include their mum (xBox, TV, DS, basketball etc), so a Mummy Blog would probably not be my most inspiring work!
Then I thought about doing a fitness blog. I am passionate about exercise and health, but I am certainly not an expert in the field. I am not qualified to impart my limited (but incredibly awesome) health guru wisdom on others, nor am I in a position to be an inspiration to others trying to reach their fitness goals…. I have not been on the Biggest Loser or in a Subway commercial. So, the fitness blog was out.
Time to think about something else to write a blog on! Ummmmmmmmm…… I had nothing! Oh my god, oh my god, ohhhhh myyyy godddd!
Then I saw my iPhone Apps and inspiration hit me!!! My Apps will remind me of what I am passionate about. If you look on the front screen of anyone’s iPhone, it will show the Apps that they use most frequently, the things that are important to them, the things that they love.
The Apps on my front screen show that I am passionate about fitness (maybe the fitness blog was not such a bad idea); alcohol (drinking game apps, cocktail making apps and even an app that tracks my blood alcohol level based on what I drink…. so I no longer have to rely on the ever-popular ‘the better I think I am dancing… the drunker I am’ sobriety test!) - hmmmm, maybe I need to reflect on all of those alcohol related Apps at some later stage; shopping at Coles (woo hoo); banking at Westpac; reading iBooks and my Maps App – without which, I would never leave my house for fear of getting lost.
Then I realised something – how the hell did I survive before Apps!!! I love them. I NEED them! I use them constantly for information, entertainment and to simply get through my daily life. I go to the App store regularly to see what is new. I ask friends and co-workers about their Apps and which ones they would recommend. Yes, it appears I found my passion, my niche. As sad as it sounds, my Apps (and my iPhone/iPad - and other random techno gadgets) make my life better, easier and…. I hate to even say this out loud (well, in writing anyway)… complete!
So, this Blog will be about Apps, iPhones, iPads and other geeky, techno gadgetry intended to improve our lives. It will look at the good, the bad, the ugly and the truly horrifying. Is this a trivial topic…. probably... most likely.... OK, yes! But is it something that I am passionate about…. absolutely.
I have a question? Are there Apps that you couldn’t live without, Apps you thought should have been better, Apps that you cannot believe some demented mind came up with or Apps that you would like to create - if you had the technological genius to do so? Are there other gadgets that you think the rest of the world would benefit from hearing about - or that will simply make us all cringe in fear. If so, I would love to hear from you.
I am signing off now to start investigating my new blog topic, but thought that I should leave you with a taste of what it to come.... pun intended. It is the Bacon App!
OMG - nom nom nom |
You can even pick your favourite
bacon cooking utensil |
and listen to it sizzle.... |
Yours in geekiness
i-APPreciation Girl (aka Rae)